List of Reading Programs Used in School

There'south a settled body of research on how best to teach early reading. Simply when information technology comes to the multitude of curriculum choices that schools have, information technology'south oft hard to parse whether well-marketed programs abide by the evidence.

And making matters more complicated, in that location's no skillful fashion to peek into every elementary reading classroom to come across what materials teachers are using.

"It'due south kind of an understudied outcome," said Marking Seidenberg, a cerebral scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the author of Linguistic communication at the Speed of Sight: How Nosotros Read, Why So Many Tin't, and What Tin can Be Done Virtually Information technology. "[These programs] are put out by large publishers that aren't very forthcoming. It's very hard for researchers to get a hold of very basic data virtually how widely they're used."

Now, some data are available. In a nationally representative survey, the Education Week Research Center asked K-ii and special educational activity teachers what curricula, programs, and textbooks they had used for early reading educational activity in their classrooms.

The top five include iii sets of core instructional materials, meant to exist used in whole-class settings: The Units of Study for Education Reading, developed by the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, and Journeys and Into Reading, both by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. At that place are also 2 early interventions, which target specific skills certain students need more do on: Fountas & Pinnell'due south Leveled Literacy Intervention and Reading Recovery.

An Education Week assay of the materials found many instances in which these programs diverge from evidence-based practices for teaching reading or supporting struggling students.

At this signal, it's widely accepted that reading programs for immature kids need to include phonics—and every one of these five programs teaches about sound-letter correspondences. What varies, though, is the nature of this instruction. In some cases, students main a progression of letter-sound relationships in a set-out sequence. In others, phonics instruction is less systematic, raising the possibility that students might not learn or be assessed on certain skills.

Phonics is "buried" in many commercial reading programs, Seidenberg said. Teachers might be able to use what'due south there to construct a coherent sequence, he said, or they might not.

And ofttimes, these programs are teaching students to approach words in means that could undermine the phonics instruction they are receiving.

Top 5 Reading Materials, by percentage of Teachers Using: 43% Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention; 27% HMH Journeys; 19% Reading Recovery; 17% HMH Into Reading  Source: EdWeek Research Center

Several of these interventions and curricula operate nether the understanding that students utilize multiple sources of information, or "cues," to solve words. Those can include the letters on the page, the context in which the word appears, pictures, or the grammatical structure of the sentence.

Observational studies show that poor readers do use unlike sources of data to predict what words might say. But studies also suggest that skilled readers don't read this manner. Neuroscience research has shown that skilled readers process all of the letters in words when they read them, and that they read connected text very quickly.

Even so, many early on reading programs are designed to teach students to make better guesses, under the assumption that it will make children better readers. The trouble is that it trains kids to believe that they don't always demand to look at all of the letters that make upwardly words in order to read them.

Even so, teachers may not know that cueing strategies aren't in line with the scientific evidence base of operations around didactics reading, said Heidi Beverine-Curry, the co-founder of The Reading League, an arrangement that promotes science-based reading instruction.

Classroom teachers also aren't usually the people making decisions about what curriculum to apply. In Teaching Calendar week's survey, 65 percent of teachers said that their commune selected their primary reading programs and materials, while 27 per centum said that the decision was up to their school.

Even when teachers want to question their school or district'south approach, they may feel pressured to stay silent. Education Calendar week spoke with three teachers from different districts who requested that their names not exist used in this story, for fearfulness of repercussions from their school systems.

Cueing Strategies Persist

Reading Recovery, the 1st class intervention used by about twenty pct of teachers surveyed, was developed in the 1970s by New Zealand researcher Marie Dirt. Xxx-infinitesimal lessons are delivered 1-on-one, and generally follow a similar structure day to day. The thought is to catch students early on before they need more than intensive intervention, said Jeff Williams, a Reading Recovery Teacher-Leader in the Solon schoolhouse commune in Ohio.

Students read books they've read several times earlier, and and then read a book that they've only read in one case, the day before, while the teacher takes a "running record." Here, the instructor marks the words that the student reads incorrectly and notes which cue the child apparently used to produce the wrong word.

For instance, if a kid reads the word "pot" instead of "bucket," a teacher could indicate that the student was using meaning cues to figure out the word.

During the rest of the lesson, students practice letter-sound relationships, write a brusk story, and assemble words in a cut-up story. At the end, they read a new book.

The program as well requires intensive teacher training, which is administered through partner colleges.

Fountas & Pinnell'south Leveled Literacy Intervention follows a similar lesson structure, but it's delivered in a small group format rather than one-on-one.

In both programs, text is leveled co-ordinate to perceived difficulty. Teachers are told to match students to books at a just-correct level, with the thought that this will challenge but not overwhelm them.

In this sample lesson from Fountas & Pinnell's Leveled Literacy Intervention program, students are taught to use multiple sources of meaning while they read. One of the goals of this lesson is for students to

Students in the everyman levels read predictable text: books in which the judgement structure is similar from page to page, and pictures present literal interpretations of what the text says. I LLI volume, for example, follows a girl as she gets dressed to get sledding in winter. "Look at my pants," the first page reads, facing an paradigm of the girl holding up a pair of pants. "Look at my jacket," is on the adjacent folio, with a photo of the daughter pointing to a jacket.

Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, the founders of LLI, declined an interview for this story through their publisher, Heinemann. The visitor also declined to annotate.

The main point of disagreement concerns these predictable texts and the teaching methods that align to them. For Williams, the Reading Recovery teacher leader in Ohio, anticipated text tin can exist a useful orienting tool when children are even so learning how impress works. The repetitive judgement structure demonstrates that words have consistent meaning, and the frequent pictures provide a context to link to the words, he said.

He gave the word "hippopotamus" as an instance. By pointing out that "hippopotamus" starts with the letter "h," and linking that word to a relevant motion-picture show and story context, the student can connect the give-and-take and the significant of the word.

"When it's in isolation and we just say arbitrarily, 'This shape makes this sound,' that'southward a piddling abstract for fiddling kids," Williams said.

Merely other experts say using predictable text this way teaches young children the wrong understanding of how the English language language works.

"Y'all build this foundation of, English is a linguistic communication that I have to memorize," said Tiffany Peltier, a doctoral student at Oklahoma University, who studies reading didactics.

But kids don't memorize words to learn them. Instead, they decode the letter-sound correspondences. After several exposures, the word becomes recognizable on sight, through a process called orthographic mapping.

Of course, a picture of a hippopotamus tin convey useful information. It could help a kid empathise what the beast looks like, or what it might exercise in the wild. Simply a picture of a hippo won't help the child read the discussion.

In predictable texts, students don't have to recognize the individual sounds in the word, said Peltier, even though learning how to practise that is highly correlated with reading power. Then exercise Reading Recovery and LLI attend to the sounds in words at all?

Both have daily sections for letter and word work. Reading Recovery tests students on fifty phonemes when they enter the plan, and teachers target the ones that students don't know, said Williams.

But basing instruction around private student errors—rather than progressing through a systematic construction—tin leave some gaps, said Kristen Koeller, the educator outreach director at Decoding Dyslexia California, who used to be a Reading Recovery teacher.

For example, she said, she might have a pupil who didn't know the /ow/ audio, similar in the words "how" or "wow." Koeller would work with the student on that audio, but she wasn't expected to explain the difference betwixt when "ow" makes the /ow/ sound, like in "how," and when "ow" makes and /o/ sound, like in "prove."

Phonics does happen in Reading Recovery lessons, she said. "Only information technology is not systematic, it is non multisensory, and it depends largely on the teacher's knowledge base and the book that is selected."

LLI does include a scope and sequence for phonemic sensation and phonics teaching. But students enter the program at different points, and it'due south possible that they might need more exercise with skills that are deemed below their level—or that they volition exit the intervention before they reach all of the sound-letter correspondences that they don't know.

The company, Fountas & Pinnell Literacy, identifies 2 main studies that it claims validate the plan's effectiveness in grades G-2. Both are from the Center for Inquiry in Educational Policy at the University of Memphis, and both were funded by Heinemann, which publishes LLI.

The 2010 paper, which the company calls its "gold standard" study, establish that kindergarten, 1st, and 2d graders who received LLI made greater gains than students who received no intervention. But these gains were merely consequent on Fountas & Pinnell's own assessment, rather than an external validator of reading achievement. Results on DIBELS, a separate early on literacy test, were mixed. Kindergartners and 1st graders in the treatment group did ameliorate than the command grouping on some subtests, but 2nd graders saw no difference.

Reading Recovery, by contrast, has a much stronger show base for effectiveness. Most notably, an independent evaluation of the federal grant expanding the program found that students who received the intervention did improve on assessments of overall reading, reading comprehension, and decoding compared to similar students who received their schools' traditional literacy interventions. Just fifty-fifty that written report has invited controversy.

Psychologists James W. Chapman and William E. Tunmer published a critique of the evaluation, arguing that many of the lowest-achieving students were excluded from the program, potentially inflating success rates.

The executive manager of the Reading Recovery Council of Northward America did not respond to requests for comment.

Three core instructional programs also made the top five about popular list among teachers, co-ordinate to the Pedagogy Week survey: The Units of Study for Pedagogy Reading, by Heinemann, and Journeys and Into Reading, both by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Units of Written report for Educational activity Reading was developed by Lucy Calkins, a researcher and the founding director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project.

The programme follows a "reader'southward workshop" model. Teachers give a brusk "mini-lesson" at the beginning of class, and then students spend the majority of time practicing that skill independently as the teacher monitors them and works with minor groups.

"We think about what is it that a expert reader does. What is the life that a adept reader leads?" Calkins says in a video describing reading workshop on the Units of Study website. "So in a higher place all, that ways putting reading front and centre."

Calkins declined an interview for this story through her publisher, Heinemann. The company also declined to comment on the programme itself.

Units of Report instills these reading habits in children, and teaches them that reading is something to value, said Susan Chambre, an assistant professor of education at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, Northward.Y. It besides introduces a variety of genres and gives students option in what they read. "The fact that nosotros are immersing kids in literature—that is important," Chambre said.

But Chambre struggled with Units of Study when she used it as a kindergarten teacher in an inclusion classroom. The programme causeless a lot of noesis—of oral language, of phonics—that students just didn't have. Chambre would watch children mumble through sentences, making up words by looking at the pictures.

"For those kids who come up in [to school] and tin can acquire foundational skills easily, and accept a off-white amount of general cognition and a off-white amount of vocabulary, they would come up out okay," Meredith Liben, the senior young man for strategic initiatives at Pupil Accomplishment Partners, said of the Units of Report for Educational activity Reading.

This strategies chart for figuring out tricky words is from a 1st grade sample lesson in the Units of Study for Teaching Reading. Some strategies encourage students to decode: Instructions like,

But a lot of students don't come up into school with that knowledge, and the plan isn't explicit enough to fill in the gaps, Chambre said. Starting in kindergarten, students are taught reading "super powers" that encourage them to "search for significant, use picture clues, and apply the audio of the first alphabetic character of a word to assist them read," according to kindergarten sample lessons downloaded from the Heinemann website. 1 sample lesson encourages teachers to say things similar "Cheque the picture," "Endeavour something," or "Does that expect right?" when students struggle, which prompts students to take their eyes off of the letters in a word.

In a public statement responding to scientific discipline-based critiques of her programme, Calkins wrote that asking students to guess or "try it" when they come to hard words teaches reading stamina. She also argued that there is value in predictable texts for young children, who are "approximating reading" when they rely on syntax and movie clues.

Though billed as a cadre reading program, the Units of Written report in Reading doesn't teach phonemic sensation or phonics systematically or explicitly. "At best it's a proffer, and there'south a lot of focus on the three-cueing system," Liben said.

The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project recently released a separate phonics program, the Units of Study in Phonics. In her contempo argument, Calkins emphasized the importance of a systematic phonics program, and said it would exist a "wise move" for teachers to include more decodable texts in lessons with emerging readers. Notwithstanding, marketing materials for the units imply that the company believes phonics should non play a key part in the classroom.

"Phonics instruction needs to be lean and efficient," the materials read. "Every minute you spend pedagogy phonics (or preparing phonics materials to utilise in your lessons) is less time spent pedagogy other things."

Bill of fare of Choices

The other two core instructional programs, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Journeys and Into Reading, differ in some significant means from the balance of this list. Into Reading is the company's newer product—this is its first academic twelvemonth in schools. According to HMH, more than than vi.7 million students use Journeys in school.

Both programs include an explicit, systematic program in phonemic sensation and phonics. In an emailed argument to Education Calendar week, a representative for HMH wrote that the visitor suggests teachers follow this sequence, as phonics skills build cumulatively. Decodable texts are available for buy.

This section of a scope and sequence chart from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Journeys reading program lists the skills to teach during kindergarten lessons. The company says that teachers can choose from a variety of materials and have the flexibility to make different instructional decisions.

Because these programs are meant to be comprehensive, they include lessons and resources for teaching other foundational skills—like writing letters, spelling, and fluency—as well equally explicit vocabulary teaching, anchor texts and student texts, writing instruction, and comprehension instruction.

Seidenberg, who has reviewed the Journeys materials but non Into Reading, said that the amount of materials, lessons, and instructional choices in the programme was overwhelming. "It looks like the publisher'south response to all the debate about reading instruction was to make certain that they included everything," he said.

In the emailed statement, HMH said that teachers can "choose from a variety of resource to brand the best instructional decisions for their students and to marshal with district curriculum requirements."

When Milton Terrace Elementary in Ballston Spa, N.Y., started using Journeys, teachers were using the materials differently, said Kathleen Chaucer, the principal. (The schoolhouse is no longer using the program.) For example—even though the program offers decodable books, kids were practicing in leveled texts, which didn't offer opportunities to utilise patterns they learned, Chaucer said.

Journeys includes six teacher manuals for its 1st course program alone, Seidenberg said. "There is so much data in those teacher manuals, it raises serious questions about whether anyone is actually using them," he said. "And if they are using them, are they just picking through them to discover the pieces that they're comfortable with?" Chaucer said that's what happened at her school.

A Perfect Programme?

It'south hard to discover a perfect curriculum, said Blythe Wood, an instructional coach in the special education department at the Pickerington school district, and the vice president of the International Dyslexia Clan of Central Ohio.

She'southward critical of Leveled Literacy Intervention, specifically, for the focus it puts on looking at words equally wholes, and the lack of decodable text. But there are adept and bad parts to most commercial materials, she said.

"The knowledge base of the teacher, and being able to identify the needs of the pupil, are more important than a boxed program," Wood said. "We're not going to run across every kid with i box."

Taking a hard wait at curriculum is important—but more of import is making sure teachers accept the training they need to evaluate practices themselves, said Beverine-Curry, of The Reading League. "Just handing teachers materials or a programme or a curriculum is not going to do the job."

This story was produced with support from the Education Writers Association Reporting Fellowship program.
A version of this commodity appeared in the December 04, 2019 edition of Educational activity Week as Pop Reading Materials Stray From Cognitive Science


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